Foot pain, weak ankles and other injuries are things we tend to associate with adults. However, many foot and ankle problems begin when we are just children or teens. This is especially true for young athletes, who are at greater risk of sustaining an injury than others their age.
According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, parents and their child athletes should take the necessary precautions to prevent foot and ankle injuries from developing. How can you do this? Shady Grove Podiatry in Gaithersburg, Maryland offers some helpful tips for you to follow.
Get Regular Checkups
While general checkups are important for your child’s overall health, seeing a podiatrist at the start of each sport’s season will also help address and prevent foot pain in young athletes. This gives the doctor the opportunity to catch a developing problem before it gets serious and also offers individualized tips for prevention.
Start Seasons Slowly
When a young athlete is out of practice with a sport, they are more likely to make errors that lead to injuries. Ask that coaches take it easy those first days and steadily build their momentum. Adequate conditioning makes play safer.
Break in Shoes in Advance
Worn-out shoes are dangerous, but brand-new shoes pose their own problems. Let your child break them in by wearing them around the house for a few days before playing in them. Not only will they be softer and fit better, but your child will be used to how their feet sit in them and less likely to roll their ankles.
Respond to Injuries Properly
Oftentimes, it is tempting to write off foot pain in young athletes as something that can just be slept off. This should never be done. If your child sustains a foot or ankle injury, have them rest the injured foot, use ice and compression bandages and elevate the foot. If the pain persists for more than a day, see a podiatrist.
Does your child athlete need their podiatry exam for the start of their sports season? Contact the podiatrists at Shady Grove Podiatry today.