As we head into the holiday season, you are no doubt looking forward to many things: baking cookies, driving around to look at the lights and seeing loved ones — even if from a distance. The last thing you want is for foot problems to hold you back. Here are some holiday foot care tips for keeping your feet happy and healthy this winter.
Everything in Moderation
Don’t be afraid to have a good time, but do take steps to make sure your feet are feeling their best.
During the holidays, we tend to be a little more overindulgent than any other time of the year. From too much turkey at Thanksgiving to a few too many cocktails at New Year’s, limits are tossed out the window in favor of a good time. But this excess can have a significant impact on your feet. Any foods or drinks high in purines can trigger uric acid buildup in your feet.
Be Cautious with Ice and Snow
We all romanticize a white Christmas, but winter weather increases the risk of foot and ankle injuries. If there is ice and snow out, be sure to clear the pathways at your home and, if possible, refrain from going out until things have settled down. Even a quick shopping trip could result in injury.
Stay Tuned to Your Body
Small pains and spasms can be signs of foot problems developing. While things get busy around the holidays, don’t forget to stop and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Also, take time to check your feet for any problems, such as ingrown toenails, blisters or calluses. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, seek treatment.
If you need help keeping your feet healthy, the Shady Grove Podiatry team is here for you. Just give us a call at 301-948-2995 or use our contact page.